
  • Elizabeth M. Isingi Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Chrispine Ouma Nyandiwa Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Bibiana Ngundo Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the study: The sought to explore which faith formation strategies can effectively enhance YCA vocation choice sustenance in Ruaraka Deanery, Nairobi Archdiocese.

Statement of the problem: The faith formation strategies are critical in determining the vocation choices of young catholic adults. However, there is scanty literature that addresses faith strategies that can contribute to young Catholic adult's vocation choices in Africa and Kenya and particularly within Nairobi Archdiocese.

Research methodology: The study employed convergent parallel mixed methods. The target population included YCA group, moderators and chaplains from Ruaraka Deanery which is made up of 10 parishes. Non-probability methods, namely, convenience and census methods were used to sample 241 YCA participants. Questionnaires and interviews were the instruments used to collect the data. Quantitative data was analysed using inferential statistics (descriptive statistics and regression) and presented using frequencies and percentages in tables. The qualitative data on the other side was analysed and presented thematically using summaries.

Findings: The correlation results indicated that vocation choices had a statistically significant relationship with faith formation strategies, r=.750, P<0.00 and the regression coefficient demonstrated that faith formation strategies positively influenced vocation choices (R = .563 squire, p<.05). The interview results indicated that faith formation strategies are able to influence vocation choices to a certain degree. Some of the strategies emerged from the discussions included a deliberate YCA faith formation program training guide to give direction to their faith formation, provide relevant themes, training timeframe and methodology. The parish Christian community to support YCA faith training and activities. Another strategy discovered is the appointment of chaplains who are interested and passionate about YCA. Appointment of committed mentors and religious sisters and brothers to assist in YCA formation training and mentoring. Use of ICT and social media platforms for training and interactions, link YCA to faith journals, magazines, books physical and online, that have information related to YCA, needs for identity, spirituality, relationships and work, use other faith formation social media platforms like webpages to teach and post faith training content, guide, references, books, videos and also to provide forums for sharing experiences. 

Recommendations: The study recommended that effective faith formation strategies need to be developed. Some of the strategies can include YCA faith formation program training guide to give direction to their faith formation and provide relevant themes, training timeframe and methodology. The Christian parish community should support YCA faith training. It is also recommended that committed mentors and religious sisters and brothers be appointed to assist in YCA formation training and mentoring. There is a need to use ICT and social media platforms for training and interactions.

Keywords: Faith formation strategies, Vocation Choices, Young Catholic Adults,  Ruaraka Deanery, Nairobi Archdiocese, Kenya

Author Biographies

Elizabeth M. Isingi, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Postgraduate student, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi Kenya

Chrispine Ouma Nyandiwa , Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Department of Religious Studies, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi Kenya

Bibiana Ngundo, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Head of the Department, Department of Religious Studies, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi Kenya


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How to Cite

Isingi, E. M. ., Nyandiwa , C. O. ., & Ngundo, B. . (2021). INFLUENCE OF FAITH FORMATION STRATEGIES ON VOCATION CHOICES OF YOUNG CATHOLIC ADULTS IN RUARAKA DEANERY, NAIROBI ARCHDIOCESE, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(6), 1–16. Retrieved from


