
  • Mumuni Zakaria Fusheini Bagabaga College of Education-Tamale
  • Issac Joe Swenzy Dadzie Komenda College of Education
  • Isaac Butias Yakubu St. Boscos College of Education-Navrongo
  • Sefa Joseph Ohen Presbyterian College of Education-Akropong-Akwapem


Purpose of the Study: The study intended to investigate the challenges faced by Visual Arts student-teachers on their survival in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. More especially, the study delved into the challenges student-teachers face at home during vacations so as to find possible interventions that will enable them stay beyond the crisis.

Statement of the Problem: The living conditions in Ghana prior to the advent of the Corona pandemic had been issues of poverty, poor sanitation, diseases among others. This affected all calibre of people including students in tertiary institutions such as Colleges of Education. Unfortunately, the situation got worsen upon the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic which have exposed the true nature of training given to Visual Arts student-teachers.

Research Methodology: The study adopted the mixed method approach on Action Research methodology and made use of survey questionnaires and observations in soliciting the views of student-teachers on their living conditions at home, in the current era of the Corona pandemic. The population of 36 Level 400 students-teachers offering Visual Arts Specialism were equally used as the sample because all the 36 student-teachers underwent the entrepreneurial skill training. 

Results: One of the major findings indicates that the student-teachers roam aimlessly around town during vacations, at the expense of the Covid-19 restrictions on movement, as they do not have any private jobs to do at home. This notwithstanding, it was found out that the student-teachers missed a lot of their zoom classes with their tutors as they often forgot of zoom schedules during their visits paid to social centers to watch premier league matches and other social and political events.

Conclusions: Majority of Visual Arts student-teachers do not do any job at home during vacations. Student-teachers lack the requisite practical skills, as a result, they stay idle at home paving way for some student-teachers’ indulgence in social vices such as gambling.

Recommendations: This brought about the prudent recommendation to train the student-teachers, as part of the pre-planned co-curricular activities which equipped them with some practical skills in dyeing, weaving and stitching.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial skills, student-teachers, crisis, batik, tie-dye, weaving, printing.

Author Biographies

Mumuni Zakaria Fusheini, Bagabaga College of Education-Tamale

Department of Vocational and Technical Education

Issac Joe Swenzy Dadzie, Komenda College of Education

Department of Vocational and Technical Education

Isaac Butias Yakubu, St. Boscos College of Education-Navrongo

Department of Vocational and Technical Education

Sefa Joseph Ohen, Presbyterian College of Education-Akropong-Akwapem

Department of Vocational and Technical Education


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How to Cite

Fusheini, M. Z. ., Dadzie, I. J. S. ., Yakubu, I. B. ., & Ohen, S. J. (2022). SUSTAINABLE ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILL TRAINING AMONG STUDENT-TEACHERS IN BAGABAGA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION FOR A STAY BEYOND THE CRISIS. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(1), 47–67. Retrieved from


