• Maarku Qayshaun Cairo University


Purpose of the study: The broad purpose of this study was to establish the obstacles of diffusion of innovations in Dar Al Fouad Hospital. The specific objectives of this study included; To determine if the leadership is knowledgeable of the new innovations that come their way, To establish if the organization is capable to ascertain which innovations are good for them by understanding all that diffusion of innovations entail  and To determine why new innovations never get to be fully implemented.

Problem statement: Dar Al Fouad Hospital is a private hospital strategically positioned to attract clientele from all corners of the vast city due to its vicinity. The hospital is equipped with the modern equipment that ought to be a source of attraction of many clients but unfortunately; they have encountering management and expansion of technological innovation challenges. In this study, the researcher sought to establish what would be the reason of the unsuccessful adoption of innovation and why are innovations rejected in this organization. The hospital has been trying to adopt technological innovation of running all the patients details online, which is proving to be so hard to implement.

Study methodology: The study used a quantitative approach seeking to understand the organization in depth both contextually and holistically.  The population of the study consisted of all the regular employees of Dar Al Fouad Hospital. This was considered as the population of the study. Due to the small size of the population, the study was considered a census study since it involved every member of the target population having a total of 37 people. Data was collected using a questionnaire on a 5 point Likert scale. This was arrived at due to the time consideration since the questionnaire collects data quite quickly. This study collected primary data through a structured questionnaire in which a Likert 5 scale was used. Personal administration of the questionnaires was used to administer the questionnaires to all the respondents.

Results of the study: Regression of coefficients results indicated that Knowledgeability and Diffusion are positively and significant related (r=.232, p=0.001). The results also indicated that capability and prevention and diffusion are positively and significantly related (r=.112, p=0.043). However, results showed that barriers and diffusion were negatively and significantly related (r=-0.018 p=0.036).

Conclusion: The study concluded that, knowledgeability, organizational innovation capability and new innovation implementation barriers are some of the major factors affecting diffusion in innovation in Dar Al Fouad Hospital.

Recommendations: the study it can be recommended that the management of Dar Al Fouad Hospital should encourage their employees to adopt various communication strategies as a way of enhancing diffusion in innovation in their Hospital. The hospital management should also assess the innovation capability of their employees and encourage them to embrace innovation as one way of improving diffusion in innovation in the hospital. Finally, Dar Al Fouad Hospital management should educate their employees on the importance of innovation to break the negativity in them concerning innovation and instead embrace innovation.

Keywords: Obstacles, Diffusion of Innovation & Dar Al Fouad Hospital.

Author Biography

Maarku Qayshaun, Cairo University

Post Graduate Student, Cairo University


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How to Cite
Qayshaun, M. (2019). OBSTACLES OF DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION IN DAR AL FOUAD HOSPITAL, CAIRO EGYPT. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(1), 20 - 42. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/3