
  • Paul Igweta Tangaza University College
  • Laurent Magesa Tangaza University College
  • Zacharia W. Samita Tangaza University College


Purpose of the study: Governments in Africa have a wealth of indigenous governance systems practised in rural communities in Kenya.  The indigenous systems that are functioning in Africa are hardly recognized by the existing government. Thus, the study objective is to analyse the similarities and contrasting areas in the two-governance system for transformed governance. 

Research methodology: The study relied upon the existing literature to make inferences concerning the current study.

Findings: The formal institutions of contemporary governance already accommodate indigenous governance in various forms albeit implicitly. The study anticipates that contemporary indigenous policies are, ultimately, only as strong as the framework of governance that supports them.  

Conclusion: For good governance to be established on the continent, the content and nature of the laws in force have to be re-worked to reflect the norms and values of the African people. Fundamental to this shift is an understanding that indigenous governance exists and is practised by Meru Community (Njuri -Ncheke).

Recommendations: The article recommended that there is need to be a conceptual shift in how we understand the framework of Contemporary governance (County Government) of Meru and the indigenous governance of Njuri Ncheke.

Keywords: Transformed governance, Contemporary governance, indigenous governance, Governments in Africa, Njuri Ncheke, Meru Community Kenya

Author Biographies

Paul Igweta, Tangaza University College

Student, Tangaza University College

Laurent Magesa , Tangaza University College

Lecturer, Tangaza University College

Zacharia W. Samita, Tangaza University College

Lecturer, Tangaza University College


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How to Cite

Igweta, P., Magesa , L., & Samita, Z. W. (2022). TRANSFORMED GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(9), 74–84. Retrieved from




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