
  • KAMBONA Grace Richard The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Sr. Prof. Lucy Kimaro The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Wabanhu


Purpose of the study: The paper aimed to explore the coexistence and potential enrichment of the Wasubi customary marriage and Christian marriage to build a common identity. The study sought to understand how cultural practices, taboos, and expectations influenced marriage participants and impacted family life, particularly among African Christian couples in the context of the Wasubi community.

Research methodology: The study adopted a systematic approach, reviewing and critically analysing other empirical studies. It employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods, utilizing questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and document analysis as data collection instruments. The target population comprised the entire Wasubi community (323,486), with a sample size of 436 individuals determined using Yamene’s formula of 1967. Various sampling techniques, including simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, snowball, and purposive sampling, were applied.

Findings: The research highlighted that African Christian coules, particularly among the wasubi, experienced a conflict between traditional communal society and modern individualistic society. This conflict led to a gradual abandonment of the African traditional practices of marriage, impacting the marital well-being of the Wasubi families in Biharamulo District. The clash between communal and individualistic values posed challenges to maintaining traditional practices, leading to changes in the institution of marriage among the Wasubi.

Recommendations: The research recommends a deeper study of the marriage practices among the Wasubi to foster a harmonious coexistence of traditional and Christian marital values. Understanding the impact of cultural evolution, functionalism, and cultural diffusion theories on these practices could aid in developing strategies to preserve cultural heritage while embracing beneficial aspect of Christianity. Building a common identity between the two forms of marriage could contribute to the enrichment and stability of Wasubi marriages in a changing societal landscape.

Keywords: Customary marriage, Christian marriage, Cultural practices, Wasubi.

Author Biographies

KAMBONA Grace Richard, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

PhD Candidate, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Sr. Prof. Lucy Kimaro , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Associate Professor, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Wabanhu

Senior Lecturer, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

KAMBONA, G. R., Kimaro , L. ., & Wabanhu, E. . (2023). TOWARDS THE COMMON IDENTITY: THE WASUBI CUSTOMARY MARRIAGE AND CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(7), 78–98. Retrieved from


