
  • Nyamai Everlyn Musangi The Management University of Africa, Kenya
  • Prof. Thomas Ngui The Management University of Africa, Kenya
  • Prof. Thomas A. Senaji The Management University of Africa, Kenya


Motivation energises individual level of commitment and guide behaviour of the healthcare worker. In the same breath, employee recognition is seen to have a positive correlation with employee performance and motivated employees often have the propensity to be productive in strategy implementation than the employees who are not motivated. This paper sought to assess the effect of employee motivation on performance of level four government hospitals in Kenya. This paper reviewed effects of employee motivation and its impact on organizational performance, through an analysis of existing empirical studies and models linking with employee motivation and performance. This study adopted a mixed-method approach. The study population comprised all the 104 Level Four government hospitals listed in the Kenya Gazette as of February 2020. According to Kenya gazette 2020, there are 22 county referral hospitals and 82 sub-county hospitals in Kenya. The study was quantitative and qualitative in nature. Structured and unstructured questions was used to obtain qualitative data. This mixed method enabled the study to highlight and quantify causal relationships and to analyze numbers instead of exploring and describing situations. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in analyzing quantitative data. Qualitative data from unstructured questions were analysed using conceptual content analysis. Pursuant to the analysis of wide literature, the study results revealed that employee motivation has a significant relationship with Performance of Level Four government hospitals in Kenya.

Keywords: Employee Motivation, Organizational Performance, Level Four Government Hospitals

Author Biographies

Nyamai Everlyn Musangi , The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Management and Leadership, School of Management and Leadership, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Prof. Thomas Ngui, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Management and Leadership, School of Management and Leadership, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Prof. Thomas A. Senaji, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Management and Leadership, School of Management and Leadership, The Management University of Africa, Kenya


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How to Cite

Musangi, N. E., Ngui, T. ., & Senaji, T. A. . (2023). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE OF LEVEL FOUR GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(13), 53–75. Retrieved from


