• Ikamar Ejore Emaase The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Fred Wamalwa The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Esther Chepsiror The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the study: To determine the effect of resource allocation on social protection of elderly persons in Turkana County.

Methodology used: Descriptive survey research design was used. The target population were 3243 respondents, comprising of 243 employees of cash transfer program and 3000 older persons aged 65 years and above. The sample size comprised of 27 employees and 329 older persons. Purposive, Stratified and simple random sampling was used to select respondents. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interview schedule. Expert judgement was used to determine the content validity. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics which included frequencies and percentages, while inferential statistics comprising of Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.

Findings of the study: The study findings showed that there was a positive significant relationship between resource allocation (β1=0.953) and social protection of elderly persons in Turkana County.

Conclusion: Resource allocation had significant relationship with social protection of elderly persons in Turkana county.

Recommendations: The national and county governments should look for ways of removing the hidden costs incurred by the elderly persons in obtaining the money.

The national and county government should increase the community sensitization among the elderly to enroll into the social protection programs.

Keywords: Resource Allocation, Social Protection, Elderly Persons, Turkana County, Kenya

Author Biographies

Ikamar Ejore Emaase, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Student, Department of Social Sciences, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Fred Wamalwa , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Esther Chepsiror , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite
Emaase, I. E., Wamalwa , F., & Chepsiror , E. (2023). EFFECT OF RESOURCE ALLOCATION ON SOCIAL PROTECTION OF ELDERLY PERSONS IN TURKANA COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(14), 25 - 35. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/481