• Doreen Ikala Musakala Kenyatta University
  • Monica Akinyi Wandolo Kenyatta University
  • Vincent Nyamari Maranga Kenyatta University


Purpose of the Study: To investigate the impact of food handling practices on safe food provision in unclassified restaurants in Nairobi city county.

Statement of Problem: Food safety is a major public health concern globally. In Nairobi, Kenya, informal eateries are often linked to food poisoning and diarrhea due to poor safety practices, highlighting the need for a thorough examination of food handling in these establishments.

Methodology: The study employed a mixed method approach, targeting 124 unclassified restaurants in Nairobi. Data was collected from 189 participants across 40 selected restaurants using questionnaires, interviews, and observation checklists. Ethical procedures, including research clearance and participant consent, were strictly adhered to.

Results: The study found that while most respondents generally followed personal hygiene practices (handwashing, glove use, cleanliness), issues like improper dress code and mixing of food items during preparation were observed. Most restaurants had essential hygiene items but lacked adequate water points for handwashing. Chi-square tests showed a significant relationship between food handling practices and safe food provision, rejecting the null hypothesis of no significant relationship.

Conclusion: The study concluded that food handling practices significantly affect the provision of safe food in unclassified restaurants in Nairobi, with proper handling being critical from preparation to serving.

Recommendations: The study recommends that the government should enforce licensing, audits, and hygiene inspections for all restaurants, including unclassified ones, to ensure adherence to food safety standards.

Keywords: Food Safety, Food Handling Practices, Nairobi Restaurants, Unclassified Eateries, Public Health, Hygiene Practices.

Author Biographies

Doreen Ikala Musakala, Kenyatta University

Student, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Kenyatta University

Monica Akinyi Wandolo , Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Kenyatta University

Vincent Nyamari Maranga, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Kenyatta University


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How to Cite
Musakala, D. I., Wandolo , M. A., & Maranga, V. N. (2023). FOOD HANDLING PRACTICES AND SAFE FOOD PROVISION BY UNCLASSIFIED RESTAURANTS IN NAIROBI CITY COUNTY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(17), 210 - 224. Retrieved from