• Jane Wambui Kihara Pan African Christian University


Purpose: This paper looked the interaction between profitability, organizational performance and the pivotal role of ethical standards. It aimed to determine the impacts that lapses in ethical judgment can have on organizational outcomes and dynamics.

Methodology: To achieve this, the study employed a comprehensive approach that encompasses case studies, analysis of empirical data and a thorough review of existing literature. This method allowed for a deep dive into the consequences of neglecting ethical considerations within organizational settings.

Findings: The research uncovers significant connections between ethical standards, trustworthiness, and organizational sustainability. It reveals that ethical shortcomings not only compromise immediate profitability and performance but also have lasting repercussions on an organization's reputation and operational sustainability.

Conclusion: By elucidating the complex relationships among ethical practices, trust, and long-term success, the study contributes valuable insights to ongoing discussions about the essential role of ethical integrity in maintaining and enhancing organizational health and longevity.

Keywords: Long-Term, Ethical Standards, Organizational, Success, Profitability

Author Biography

Jane Wambui Kihara , Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, Department of Leadership Studies, PAC University


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How to Cite
Kihara , J. W. (2024). THE LONG-TERM IMPACT OF ABANDONING ETHICAL STANDARDS ON ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS AND PROFITABILITY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(4), 46 - 59. Retrieved from