
  • Jerrussah O. Ngeresa The Kenya Institute of Management
  • Olala Gilbert Owuor The Kenya Institute of Management


Study Objective: This study aimed at investigating the effect of leadership qualities on organizational performance in hospitality industry. The study was conducted at Acacia Premier Hotel in Kisumu Central Sub-County. The specific objectives of the study were to: assess the effect of integrity on organizational performance; determine the effect of competency on organizational performance; and investigate the effect of commitment on organizational performance.

Methodology: The study was informed by Transformational Leadership Theory and Competency Theory of Leadership. The study adopted a case study research design with a target population of 29 employees. Census was used to reach the various respondents. Data was collected through structured questionnaires. Collected data was edited, coded and verified in order to detect and correct any error. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented through tables and pie charts.

Results and findings: The results showed leadership qualities bring behaviors, which affect organizational performance. Management leadership qualities were observed to be one of major reasons for the success of the organization. Leadership qualities were also found to be key factors for the growth of the organization.

Conclusions and Recommendations: The study concluded that leadership qualities acts as source of motivation to the employees and thus promotes performance. It was therefore recommendation that the management should provide leadership that satisfies the needs of employees. It is worth carrying out similar research in other hospitality institutions to see if the results replicate the findings of this study.

Keywords: Leadership Qualities, Performance & Hospitality Institutions

Author Biographies

Jerrussah O. Ngeresa , The Kenya Institute of Management

The Kenya Institute of Management

Olala Gilbert Owuor, The Kenya Institute of Management

Lecturer, The Kenya Institute of Management


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How to Cite

Ngeresa, J. O., & Olala, G. O. (2024). EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP QUALITIES ON PERFORMANCE OF HOSPITALITY INSTITUTIONS: A CASE STUDY OF ACACIA PREMIER HOTEL, KISUMU. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(4), 60–68. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/562


