• Jerrussah O. Ngeresa Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Chemutai Patricia Management University of Africa


The general goal of this research was to determine the effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity in the Cherangany Sub-County of Trans-Nzoia County. To achieve this, specific objectives were: to assess the effect of temperature on agricultural production; to evaluate the effect of humidity on agricultural production; and to estimate the effect of precipitation on agricultural production. The study was informed by The Ricardian Approach Model and the Agronomic-Economic Theory. The study was conducted in the Cherangany sub county in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design.  Three hundred and eighty five (385) respondents were issued with questionnaires. Kenya Meteorological Department provided secondary data on temperature, precipitation, and humidity over the past 40 years. The findings of the study were: farmers in Cherengany Sub County have adequate experience in farming and therefore they had experience in identifying the adverse change in climate and take the necessary measures. Majority have adequate land for agricultural production, which they are utilizing for growing crops and animal rearing, Farmers in the sub county majorly produce cash crops like Maize and tea for commercial production in the county, other farmers practice subsistence farming for food security within the households. While dairy farming is being practiced in the sub county due to its good weather, however, climatic change has affected both their crops and animal farming directly or indirectly, the increased rain submerging their crops and causing animal diseases to their livestock. The research concluded that; County government to support agriculture for adaptation and diversification across specific farming systems to avoid losses farmers are undergoing as a result of effects of climatic change on agricultural production through various policy measures in the sector. The study recommended that the county government in partnership with the national government to support specific studies, demonstration initiatives and case studies in agricultural on technology innovation/adaptation in various sub-sectors, farming systems and value-chains.

Keywords: Climate Change & Agricultural Production

Author Biographies

Jerrussah O. Ngeresa , Management University of Africa

Management University of Africa

Dr. Chemutai Patricia, Management University of Africa

Management University of Africa


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How to Cite
Ngeresa , J. O., & Chemutai , P. (2024). EFFECT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION: A CASE STUDY OF CHERANGANY SUB COUNTY, TRANSNZOIA COUNTY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(3), 109 - 119. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/561