
  • Jacob Kimote The Management University of Africa, Kenya
  • Dr. Angeline Wambugu, Ph.D. The Management University of Africa, Kenya
  • Dr. Patricia Chemutai, Ph.D. The Management University of Africa


Objective of the Study: The overall objective of this paper was to determine the mediating effect of service innovation on the relationship between corporate governance and organisational performance of Faith-Based Hospitals in Kenya.

Research Methodology: This paper used cross-sectional survey research design utilizing quantitative data from the questionnaires. The study also used a cross-sectional survey study. The units of analysis comprised the 115 Level 4 and 5 Faith-Based Hospitals in Kenya. Primary data was obtained through structured questionnaires.

Results and findings: The study findings revealed a statistically significant relationship between corporate governance and organisational performance of faith-based hospitals. A partial mediation effect of service innovation on the relationship between corporate governance and organisational performance of Faith-based Hospitals in Kenya was found.

Recommendations: To guarantee strategic direction, accountability, and moral governance practices, the study advises the organization to strengthen the capability and supervisory responsibilities of hospital boards in faith-based hospitals. The empirical data generated from study findings will be useful to the government and other sectors in formulating policies aimed at improving corporate governance and performance. To guarantee accountability and strategic direction, clearly, faith-based hospitals should define the tasks and responsibilities of the board of directors. To establish credibility and trust, faith-based hospitals should use open and honest decision-making procedures and consistent communication with stakeholders, encourage a company culture built on moral precepts and religious beliefs, and make sure that these values are reflected in every aspect of the business, build the organization's leadership capabilities to lead innovation in healthcare services and overcome obstacles. On service innovation, faith-based hospitals should embrace advances made possible by technology, such as telemedicine, electronic health records, and mobile health applications in order to improve service delivery and efficiency. Invest in strong IT systems and infrastructure that encourage creativity and help healthcare providers communicate and work together.

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Service Innovation, Organisational performance, Faith-based hospitals

Author Biographies

Jacob Kimote, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Management and Leadership, School of Management and Leadership, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Dr. Angeline Wambugu, Ph.D., The Management University of Africa, Kenya

School of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa

Dr. Patricia Chemutai, Ph.D., The Management University of Africa

School of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Kimote, J. ., Wambugu, A., & Chemutai, P. . (2024). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF FAITH-BASED HOSPITALS IN KENYA: MEDIATING EFFECT OF SERVICE INNOVATION. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(14), 21–47. Retrieved from


