• Dorothy Medza Tsuma Management University of Africa
  • Professor Elijah Siringi Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Leonard Wambua Management University of Africa


Purpose of the study: The aim of the study was to establish the combined effect of stakeholder engagement, resource mobilization and leadership style on sustainability of Anglican Church funded projects Kenya.

Problem Statement: The ACK funded projects in Kenya are facing sustainability challenges in quality assurance from cases of incomplete projects and some of the projects going way above the estimated cost budget. The major projects that have missed the targeted implementation deadline over the last five years have risen by 20 % (ACK, 2018) leading to additional budgets for projects completions. In addition, the cost overruns of the projects have increased by 23% over the period 2012-2017. Further, most of the church funded projects in Mombasa region usually end their operations when funding stops. It is from this information that the study focused on establishing the factors influencing sustainability of church funded projects.

Methodology: The study adopted a cross-sectional research design aimed at collecting large number of quantitative data to establish patterns of value addition in the church projects. The study used positivism philosophy. The study’s respondents was drawn from all the Anglican Churches in Mombasa Region. Yamane (1967) simplified formula was used to obtain the number of church members from the 11 deaneries. Primary data was obtained using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaire was made up of closed questions relating to the study’s objectives. Descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequencies, mean and standard deviation was used for the quantitative data. Inferential data analysis was done using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis.

Results of the study: The combined variables indicated that stakeholder engagement (β1=0.208), Resource mobilization (β2=0.082) and leadership style (β3=0.098) had a positive and significant effect on sustainability of projects. The R squared for the combined model (R squared=58.3%) was greater than the R squared for the individual variables (SE=51.3%, RM= 26.1% and LS 29.1%). The combined effect of stakeholder engagement, resource mobilization and leadership style was greater than the individual effect on sustainability of Anglican Church funded projects in Kenya at 58.3%.

Conclusion and policy recommendation: The study concluded that the completion of projects was above average for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 stood at 87%, 84% and 86% respectively. The study recommended for participation of all stakeholders in each phase of the project. The study recommended that organization to prioritize on mobilizing resources. The study recommended for the adoption and application of democratic and transformational leadership practices. The findings will inform policy to policy-making agencies, the church authorities and stakeholders.

Key words: Stakeholder Engagement, Resource Mobilization, Leadership Style, Sustainability, Anglican Church & Kenya.

Author Biographies

Dorothy Medza Tsuma, Management University of Africa

Post Graduate Student, Management University of Africa

Professor Elijah Siringi , Management University of Africa

Lecturer, Management University of Africa

Dr. Leonard Wambua, Management University of Africa

Lecturer, Management University of Africa


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