Planning for succession is crucial in organizational management, especially in the public sector where the caliber of service delivery has a big impact on the wellbeing of the community. Effective succession planning is crucial in ensuring the uninterrupted delivery of high-quality healthcare services. The study aimed to explore the relationship between succession planning practices and service delivery within the health sector of Taita Taveta County Government. Specific objectives encompassed evaluating strategic leader development, continuity planning, exit planning, and corporate governance's influence on service delivery. A descriptive research design through field surveys was chosen to collect cross-sectional data, allowing insight into the health sector's characteristics. The target population comprised 78 managerial staff, and a census approach was employed due to the known population size. Structured questionnaires, pilot-tested for reliability and validity, were used for data collection and analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics, including logistic regression analysis. The study's extensive analysis revealed significant positive associations between strategic leader development, continuity planning, exit planning, corporate governance, and service delivery within the health sector. Strategic leader development and exit planning have moderate but considerable effects on service delivery outcomes, but continuity planning and corporate governance standards have a highly significant impact. This study emphasizes the crucial significance that thorough succession planning procedures play in improving service delivery within the Taita Taveta County Government's health sector. In order to guarantee the delivery of high-quality healthcare services to the community, it underlines the urgent need to make investments in leadership development, construct strong continuity and exit planning plans, and execute effective corporate governance. In order to improve service delivery within the health sector, the study advises the implementation of structured leadership development programs, strengthening of continuity and exit planning initiatives, ongoing improvement of corporate governance practices, and the introduction of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. It also promotes the need for more study to examine particular techniques and policies that improve service delivery.
Keywords: Strategic Leader Development, Continuity Planning, Exit Planning, Corporate Governance, Service Delivery
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