Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of employee training on performance of public servants in Kano State, Nigeria.
Problem Statement: It is universally accepted that devolution brings allocation and management of resources close to the people who in turn are able to implement development projects which suits their unique needs. Despite of this noble intent, local governments, having inherited employees from local authorities and other departments in the civil service, find themselves incapable of achieving set goals and targets through such employees who are unable to adapt to the changed system and work procedure. The study was carried out within interpretive paradigm philosophy.
Study Methodology: The study employed descriptive and explanatory survey designs. This study targeted all the 25 ward administrators, 359 section heads and eight (8) members of public service board. Accordingly, the target population of the study was three hundred and ninety two (392). The sample size of the study was 204 respondents.
Study Results: Correlation Results showed that there was a positive and significant association between employee training and employee performance (r= 0.508, p-value =0.000). Regression Results revealed that there was a positive and significant relationship between employee training and performance of public servants. (β1=0.411, p=0.000).
Conclusion: The study concluded that employee training has a positive and significant effect on the performance of public servants.
Recommendation: It was therefore recommended that training curricula should be reviewed periodically so as to align it with the changing training needs of the employees.
Key words: employee, training, public servants, Performance
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