Purpose of the Study: The study aimed to examine how data science skills affected the performance of manufacturing firms among selected manufacturing firms in Nairobi, Kenya.
Statement of the Problem: The contribution of Kenya's manufacturing sector to GDP has declined from 13.8% in 2020 to 12.9% in 2021, falling short of the Vision 2030 target of 20%, with decreasing sales turnover.
Methodology: The study utilized a quantitative approach with a descriptive survey design, targeting 253 senior managers across various departments. A sample of 75 managers (30% of the population) was selected, and data was collected through structured questionnaires. Analysis involved descriptive statistics, with results presented in tables and charts.
Findings: The results indicated that data science skills have a significant positive effect on the performance of manufacturing firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study found that technical skills accounted for 60.7% of the substantial variation in outcomes for these firms (R square = .607).
Conclusion: The study concluded that data science skills significantly enhance the performance of manufacturing companies in Nairobi City County, Kenya, emphasizing the need for investment in these skills and a data-driven culture.
Recommendations: The study recommended that firms invest in data science skills and cultivate a data-driven culture by equipping employees with the necessary tools and encouraging data-informed decision-making.
Key Words: Data Science Skills, Manufacturing Firms, Firm Performance, Nairobi City County, Kenya
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