
  • George Muturi Wanjobi Mount Kenya University
  • Jackson Ndolo KCA University
  • Henry Yatich Mount Kenya University


Purpose of Study: The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of personal discipline on performance of tea processing firms in Kenya. The research was guided by Deming's quality improvement theory.

Statement of the Problem: In Kenya, tea industry can generate up to USD 8.54 billion annually to the economy (KTDA report, 2019). However, this is not the case in Kenya as tea quality continues to decline in the tea processing firms fetching small prices at the global markets hindering their potential performance.

Methodology: Pragmatism research philosophy was employed in this research. Further, explanatory research design was deemed appropriate for the research. The study population under consideration was 66 operations managers of all the tea producing companies. A census of all the 66 operations managers was conducted. Utilizing structured questionnaires, both quantitative and qualitative data was gathered for analysis. Data analysis was undertaken utilizing SPSS Version 23.0.

Result: The findings revealed that there was a positive and significant relationship between personal discipline and performance of tea processing firms in Kenya where (β =.415 and p=.031). The study concludes that personal discipline is a significant component of Kaizen systems that influence tea production.

Conclusion: The study also concludes that personal discipline is related to how workers in tea processing firm plan their work and deliver it as per the requirements of the firm. It also entails attention to how tea is picked, packaged and processed to enhance its market competiveness. Discipline is essential for task efficiency and accomplishment in an organization.

Recommendation: The study recommends for the need to cultivate virtue of timeliness in task accomplishment among workers of tea processing firms. This can be conducted through workshops, close mentorship programs and support for employees’ growth and welfare programs. Thus, training of personnel on the maintenance of tea production equipment is essentially important in ensuring that costs arising from breakdowns are minimized.

Keywords: Personal discipline, tea processing, tea production, Performance


Author Biographies

George Muturi Wanjobi, Mount Kenya University

PhD Student

Jackson Ndolo, KCA University


Henry Yatich , Mount Kenya University



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How to Cite

Wanjobi, G. M. ., Ndolo, J. ., & Yatich, H. . (2023). ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL DISCIPLINE ON PERFORMANCE OF TEA PROCESSING FIRMS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(4), 93–115. Retrieved from


