Purpose of Study: The study sought to establish the effect of on the job rotation on organizational performance of Kenyatta National Hospital.
Problem Statement: Public hospitals in Kenya have experience poor outcomes with healthcare systems unable to function effectively and efficiently unless highly motivated human resources are given a favorable working environment.
Methodology: The study adopted a cross-sectional research design and targeted 4955 KNH employees including nurses, pharmacists, medical officers and lab technicians. Simple and stratified sampling were used to obtain a sample size of 347 respondents. The data from the employees was collected using structured questionnaires. Prior to the actual data collection exercise, pilot testing was carried out to assess the reliability and validity of the research tools. Data analysis process was aided by SPSS software involving descriptive statistics; mean, frequencies, percentages, standard deviation.
Result: The findings revealed that job rotation had a positive and significant effect on organizational performance (β = 0.415, p = 0.000 < 0.05). This was supported by a calculated t-statistic of 4.149, which was greater than the critical t-statistic of 1.96, further confirming the significance. The result indicated that a unit improvement in job rotation would results in an improvement in performance by 0.415 units, suggesting that job rotation is a highly effective strategy for improving performance.
Conclusion: The study concludes that job rotation is a critical component of on-the-job training that significantly enhances employee performance. The practice of rotating employees through different departments helps them develop a diverse skill set and a comprehensive understanding of hospital operations.
Recommendation: In view of the findings, the study recommends that Kenyatta National Hospital should implement regular and structured job rotation programs as a strategic component of their employee development initiatives.
Keywords: Job Rotation, Organizational Performance, Employee Performance, Kenyatta National Hospital
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