
  • David Koech St. Paul's University, Kenya
  • Mary Kibuine St. Paul's University, Kenya


Purpose of Study: This study investigates the relationship between early supplier involvement and the performance of agricultural projects at the Tana and Athi River Development Authority (TARDA).

Statement of Problem: Although extensively studied in manufacturing, early supplier involvement in agricultural supply chains is underexplored, with limited focus on supplier integration in product research and development. This study addresses the gap by examining its impact on productivity and performance in TARDA's farming-related supply chains.

Methodology: The study used descriptive and cross-sectional research designs, targeting 90 TARDA employees. Data was collected through structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression models to assess the impact of supplier involvement on performance.

Result: The findings revealed that supplier involvement practices, such as product research and development, explained 63.3% of TARDA's performance. Respondents agreed that early supplier involvement contributes significantly to implementing new technologies.

Conclusion: The study concludes that product research and development is a critical determinant of performance in agricultural projects at TARDA.

Recommendation: The study recommends enhancing product research and development strategies, both individually and jointly, to improve project performance.

Key words: Early Supplier involvement, Product research and development

Author Biographies

David Koech, St. Paul's University, Kenya

MBA, Department of Business and Leadership Studies, St. Paul’s University Kenya.

Mary Kibuine, St. Paul's University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Business and Leadership, St. Paul’s University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Koech, D. ., & Kibuine, M. . (2025). ROLE OF PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ON EARLY SUPPLIER INVOLVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE OF TARDA, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 7(1), 39–52. Retrieved from


