
  • Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Piliyesi The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Edwin Okoth Ogada The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Robert Joseph Ochieng University of Nairobi


Background: The competency-based curriculum has provided opportunities for engaging and empowering parents so that they can contribute to the learning outcomes for their children at all levels of basic education. There has been a growing assumption that teachers are the key-stakeholders in curriculum implementation. However, the reality on the ground is that curriculum implementation is a holistic process that requires all stakeholders to play their active roles. Parents are an integral part of a child’s holistic growth and development at all levels. Therefore, it is imperative to build and strengthen their capacity to handle and deal with the needs of their children in and out of school premises. Parents have a shared responsibility with schools to provide an enabling environment which motivates the child to achieve their full potential.

Study Objective: This article attempts to discuss the impact of desirable involvement by parents in the curriculum adoption, implementation and evaluation process. Using the involvement theory, the article aims at showing how parent’s inputs, environment and outcomes positively impact on the successful implementation of a curriculum. Engagement is the interactive involvement of parents in the learning process and holistic development of their children.

Findings: This article shows that parents’ involvement can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and should not be ignored at the expense of entrusting teachers and learners with the process of curriculum implementation. The article discusses the possible reasons for the lack of adequate participation by parents and offers possible solutions.

Key Words: Practical Approaches, Parental Engagement, Resource Provision, Curriculum and Implementation

Author Biographies

Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Piliyesi, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Edwin Okoth Ogada, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Robert Joseph Ochieng, University of Nairobi

University of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Piliyesi, S. D. E. ., Ogada, E. O. ., & Ochieng, R. J. . (2020). PRACTICAL APPROACHES TO PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT AND RESOURCE PROVISION IN CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(2), 70–95. Retrieved from


