
  • Paul Machoka


Background of the Study: Organizational culture (OC) is a term commonly used, but there is a degree of uncertainty in it. The creation and management of organizational culture are the activities of substantial significance that organizational leaders do. The study presumed that the organizational culture plays a great role in the employee satisfaction.

Study Objective: The aim of this research study was to investigate the effects of organizational culture on employee satisfaction focusing on the multinational companies operating in Kenya. The study responded to the following research questions. How does employees’ career growth chance affect employees’ satisfaction in MNCs in Kenya? What role does the top management style play in employees’ satisfaction in MNCs in Kenya? How does staff involvement affect employees’ satisfaction in MNCs in Kenya? How does the reward system in MNCs in Kenya affect employees’ satisfaction? The study was guided by theories Organizational Culture, Organizational performance and culture, Job satisfaction.

Methodology: The study used descriptive research design. The target population was all multinational companies operating in Kenya and according to the ministry of trade and commerce of Kenya, which has documented that there are 135 multinational corporations. The study followed the procedure of primary data collection that employed the questionnaire, where drop and pick technique adopted. Coding, data entry, and analysis done using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21.

Findings: The study found and concluded that top management, job satisfaction, and employee participation (Voice), Compensation (Pay) and rewards were crucial in the employee satisfaction with an effect of 68.1%. This research implies that other factors not studied in this study affected 21.9% of job satisfaction at MNCs operating in Kenya.

Key words:  Organisational Culture, Employee Satisfaction, Employees’ Career Growth Chance, Employees’ Involvement, Compensation/Reward.


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