
  • Fatuma Horow Abubakar The Management University of Africa
  • Paul Machoka The Management University of Africa


Purpose of the Study: To determine the degree to which legitimate and administrative structures by the National lands commission in Kenya has affected the management of public resources this is in addition to management capacity, administrative structure and costs.

Statement of the Problem: In the recent past, there has been gigantic arraignment of state officials, including Heads of State across Africa, due to mismanagement of public assets, irreconcilable situation, maltreatment of office, defective business practices and helpless obtainment rehearses, every one of these being moral issues that are inserted in the lawful and administrative structures. A more intensive glance at the Kenyan perspective, and with regard to the National Lands Commission postulates that issues to do with regulatory framework, management capacity, administrative structures as well as costs if well-handled could ensure effective utilization of public resources.

Methodology: The targeted the national lands commission workers selected from different divisions within the institution. The research design in this study was a descriptive. A stratified random sampling technique was used to choose a sample size of 38 from a target population of 125. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was utilized as the primary study tool. Primary data was gathered via the use of questionnaires that were distributed through the links as Google forms.

Result: The findings revealed a coefficient of determination of 0.709, implying that management capacity, regulatory frameworks, administrative structure and costs management jointly explain 70.9 percent of the variation in public resource management at the Kenya National Lands Commission. The findings also revealed that management capacity had positive and significant effect on public resource management at the Kenya National Lands Commission (β =.202, p=.026<.05), regulatory framework had positive and significant effect on public resource management at the Kenya National Lands Commission (β =.362, p=.000<.05), administrative structures had positive and significant effect on public resource management at the Kenya National Lands Commission (β =.341, p=.003<.05) and finally that cost management had positive and significant effect on public resource management at the Kenya National Lands Commission (β =.247, p=.003<.05).

Conclusion: Management capacity, regulatory frameworks, administrative structure, cost positively and significantly affects public resource management at the Kenya National Lands Commission.

Recommendation: Regulatory framework regulating the Kenya National Lands Commission should undertake awareness and outreach programs to improve staff literacy and understanding of the idea of public resource management, which is currently missing in a portion of the workforce.    

Keywords: Management capacity, Regulatory frameworks, Administration structure, Costs, Public Resource Management.

Author Biographies

Fatuma Horow Abubakar , The Management University of Africa

Postgraduate Student

Paul Machoka, The Management University of Africa



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