Background: Youth centres play an important role in reducing behavioural risks among vulnerable young people by improving access to quality and friendly services within the health system (UNICEF., 2014; World Health Statistics, 2015). However, demotivated employees lead to unfavourable health outcomes (Hussein, 2017). Borghi et al., (2018) state that the ability of a health system to deliver quality healthcare among the current workforce is largely dependent on healthcare workers’ motivation.
Statement of the problem: Employees in the health sector especially at the County government have always perceived that there is inadequate employee motivation in the public health facilities which also includes health facility-based youth centres and this has been occasioned by industrial action.
Objective of the study: This study investigated the mediating effect of employee motivation on the relationship between strategic leadership practices and performance of health facility-based youth centres in the counties of Kenya.
Methodology: The study was grounded on a paradigm of both positivism and phenomenology. The study design was cross-sectional with a population of 37 Health Facility-based Youth Centres in the public health facilities. Respondents comprised of overall health facility in-charges and the in-charges of health facility-based youth centres. In addition, 16 peer youth leaders were also interviewed as key informants.
Findings: The findings indicated that a unit increase in employee motivation index lead to an increase in performance index hence the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted.
Conclusion and Recommendation: The study concluded that employee motivation has significant mediating effect on the relationship between strategic leadership practices and performance of health facility-based youth centres in the Counties of Kenya. The study recommended periodical review of salaries in respect to employee performance, experience characteristics and employment cadre. Moreover the study recommended the facility administration to offer fair remuneration to employees.
Keywords: Strategic leadership practices, employee motivation, performance, health facility-based youth centres, Counties and Kenya.
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