
  • Joseph Kelempu Tobiko St Paul’s University, Kenya
  • Antony Odek St Paul’s University, Kenya
  • Nason Vundi St Paul’s University, Kenya


Purpose of the Study: The study sought to investigate the perceptions of the youth on unemployment and its consequences in Kajiado East Sub County, Kenya. The research was guided by the following objectives: to investigate the social effects of unemployment on economic growth of youth among in Kajiado East Sub County; to investigate the effects of youth unemployment on security among in Kajiado East Sub County and to identify approaches that have been employed by the state and non-state actors to mitigate youth unemployment in Kajiado East Sub County. Two theories informed this study that is Keynesian theory of unemployment and Human Capital theory. The key arguments of these theories are that unemployment is a result of several interlocking factors originated from the policy level to education and training and to individual level.

Statement of the Problem: Despite Kajiado East Sub County being an area that borders the capital city of Kenya; the unemployment rate in this Sub County is quite high as reflected by the KNBS (2019) statistics which put it at 13%.  A good number of them are trained in the various occupations but they do not get the opportunity to engage in gainful employment. This imposes a lot of pressure as well as strain on the households that they come from. The end result is usually an increase in delinquent activities among them at the family level as well as violence.

Methodology: Descriptive Research Design was used for this study in which both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied. The target population included 5, 000 members of registered self-help youth groups. The sample was arrived at using Krejcie and Morgan’s sampling formulae to arrive at 375 respondents.

Result: The study established that the youths perceive unemployment as a product of social and economic causes because things such as crime, drug abuse as well as violence and robbery are attributed to the issue of youth unemployment. Regarding the interventions put in place, it was established that the government has come up with initiatives such as ‘Kazi kwa vijana’(Youth employment initiative). These have been complimented by self-help initiatives in a bid to reduce unemployment among the youth by empowering them economically so that they can also contribute positively towards household livelihood. It is expected that the study will be able to generate information that will benefit policy makers, security organs, the Ministry of Planning as well as Non-Governmental Organizations.

Conclusion: The study concludes that there is a direct correlation between youth unemployment and insecurity and that addressing the latter will entail that youth are meaningfully engaged.     .

Recommendation: The study recommends the diversification of employment opportunities to cover more youths as well as empowering them to engage in income generating activities and gainful occupations.

Keywords: Youth Unemployment, Perceptions, Kajiado East

Author Biographies

Joseph Kelempu Tobiko, St Paul’s University, Kenya

Postgraduate Student

Antony Odek , St Paul’s University, Kenya

Senior Lecturer

Nason Vundi, St Paul’s University, Kenya

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Tobiko, J. K. ., Odek , A., & Vundi, N. . (2021). UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG THE YOUTH AND THEIR PERCEPTIONS ON ITS CONSEQUENCES IN KAJIADO EAST SUB COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(7), 35–50. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/216


