
  • Evelyn Mwikali Ndonye St. Paul University
  • Antony Odek St. Paul University
  • Jane Ngure St. Paul University


Purpose of Study: This study assessed the relationship between education/qualification-based promotion procedures and the risk of depression symptoms among police officers in Nairobi City County.

Problem Statement: Law enforcement exposes officers to a multitude of challenges, significantly impacting their mental well-being and elevating the risks of depression. However, law enforcement in Nairobi County in Kenya is affected by the risk of depression as a result of education-based promotion procedures.

Methodology: The study employed the descriptive survey research design on a population of population of 3010 junior police officers assigned to various police divisions in Nairobi County. Yamane's 1967 formula was utilized to select a sample of 354 respondents comprising junior police officers as well as mental health practitioners, officers from IPOA, and officers commanding stations. Questionnaires and interview guides were used for data collection. The reliability of the research instruments was estimated using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, while validity was established through the expert opinion of university supervisors. Data analysis was aided by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25.0. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data, while thematic analysis was used for qualitative data.

Result: Data analysis results were presented as frequency distributions and in prose narration. The findings revealed that education-based promotion procedure predisposes police officers to the risk of depression in Nairobi County in Kenya.

Recommendation: The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of the National government should initiate programs and interventions streamlining promotion criteria by removing a human element and replacing it with technology that automatically selects qualified persons.

Keywords: Depression, Institutional factors, Police Officers, Risk of Depression symptoms.

Author Biographies

Evelyn Mwikali Ndonye, St. Paul University

Department of Social Sciences

Antony Odek , St. Paul University

Department of Social Sciences

Jane Ngure, St. Paul University

Department of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Ndonye, E. M., Odek, A., & Ngure, J. (2024). EDUCATION-BASED PROMOTION PROCEDURE PREDISPOSING POLICE OFFICERS TO THE RISK OF DEPRESSION. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(16), 26–35. Retrieved from


