• Amos K. Chemonges Pan African Christian University


Purpose of the Study: The primary purpose of this study was to present a comprehensive analysis of Nelson Mandela's leadership style, focusing on his transformational approach. The study also aimed to critically examine the criticisms of Mandela's leadership to provide a more nuanced understanding of his legacy.

Research Method Used: The study approach included document analysis of Mandela's speeches, policies, and autobiographical sources, as well as a secondary analysis of scholarly literature and historical documents.

Findings: The findings suggest that while exceptional and inspirational, Nelson Mandela's leadership faced significant challenges. These challenges were particularly prominent in addressing long-standing socioeconomic inequalities and managing the HIV/AIDS crisis.

Conclusion: The conclusion drawn from the study is that Mandela's transformational leadership style, characterised by a compelling vision, inclusivity, and commitment to long-term change, still offers valuable insights for contemporary and future leadership approaches. However, the study also suggests that future leaders should be aware of the challenges that Mandela faced and be prepared to address them in their leadership journeys.

Recommendations: The study recommends that future leaders learn from the strengths and weaknesses of Mandela's leadership. Key areas for consideration include: establishing a compelling vision, fostering inclusivity, focusing on economic transformation, being responsive to crises and committing to long-term change.

Keywords: Nelson Mandela, Visionary, Leadership

Author Biography

Amos K. Chemonges , Pan African Christian University

Student, Organisational Leadership, Pan African Christian University


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How to Cite
Chemonges , A. K. (2023). NELSON MANDELA’S VISIONARY LEADERSHIP. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(9), 88 - 98. Retrieved from