
  • John Odhiambo Mudany Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC
  • Dan Kemei Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC
  • Emmanuel Awuor Management University of Africa
  • Martin Ogutu University of Nairobi


Statement of the Problem: Leadership plays a critical role in developing interactions and relationships towards more effective performance at the organizational level. Organizations competing in the modern environment are focusing on the factors that increase performance and their competitive edge. Increased global and regional competitions have led firms to determine to create or sustain competitive edge by adopting breakthrough modern technologies. A fast-changing environment with constant abrupt changes makes it indispensable for firms to build up their technological ambidexterity by embracing the digital technologies. Today governmental and private organizations intend to enhance their service quality and this can only be achieved by adopting a suitable leadership in moving towards knowledge and technology advancement. Energy sector has also benefited immensely from the emerging digital technologies to facilitating efficiency in grid operation in the renewable energy.

Methodology: The study was anchored on the contingency theory and supported by Diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory. This study employed a cross-sectional survey design. The study population consisted of 68 institutions under the energy sector. These 68 institutions formed the target population for the study. The study used primary data. Primary data was obtained from the selected respondents using structured questionnaires. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze quantitative data through tabulations, percentages, and measure of central tendency. 

Results: The study revealed a statistically significant relationship between leadership and organizational performance. Technology was found to moderate the relationship between leadership and organizational performance. The introduction of technology had an enhancing moderating effect on the relationship between leadership and performance.

Conclusion and Recommendation: The study concluded that managers in the energy sector should consider adoption of digital technology since they are very instrumental in optimization of the operations of an increasingly complex power system based on renewable energy. The paper recommends that managers in the energy sector should consider adoption of emerging technologies and digital technology since they are instrumental in optimization of efficiency in the operations and maintenance process and increasingly complex power system based on renewable energy.

Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Performance, Technology, Innovation, Digital Technology

Author Biographies

John Odhiambo Mudany, Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC

Finance and ICT Director, Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC, Kenya

Dan Kemei, Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC

ICT Manager, Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC, Kenya

Emmanuel Awuor, Management University of Africa

Professor, Management, School of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya

Martin Ogutu, University of Nairobi

Professor, Management, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, University of Nairobi, Kenya


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How to Cite

Mudany, J. O., Kemei, D., Awuor, E., & Ogutu, M. (2021). MODERATING ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(9), 70–86. Retrieved from




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