
  • Teresia Wanjugu Shiundu Pan Africa Christian University
  • Dr. Joy Kasandi Kelemba Pan Africa Christian University


Effective management is critical for organizations to maximize resources towards their objectives. This literature review examines best practices and issues related to employee management, as well as how COVID-19 has affected these dynamics. The concepts of efficiency, communication, performance management, and work conditions are investigated using seminal management texts. The pandemic's abrupt workplace changes are evaluated in light of these established perspectives. The findings suggest that COVID-19 has increased isolation, work-life conflict, and uncertainty, all of which directly impact organizations' people management processes. However, innovative strategies based on care and trust can help overcome these new barriers. Studies show that communication, engagement, development opportunities, and well-being remain critical in productive work environments, although virtually-enabled approaches must compensate for the lack of in-person contact. Customizing performance reviews to individual situations and strengths increases their effectiveness. Promoting bonding opportunities, transparent information sharing, collaborative goal setting, and a focus on health helps to maintain team spirit despite ongoing disruption. The study suggests that managers rely on resilience developed during crises, utilize technology effectively, and lead with compassion.

Keywords: Covid-19 Effective Management, Employees, An Evaluation

Author Biographies

Teresia Wanjugu Shiundu , Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Student, Organizational Leadership Department, Pan Africa Christian University

Dr. Joy Kasandi Kelemba, Pan Africa Christian University

Lecturer, Organizational Leadership Department, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Shiundu , T. W., & Kelemba, D. J. K. (2024). IMPACT OF COVID 19 ON EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF EMPLOYEES: AN EVALUATION. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(2), 15–23. Retrieved from


