Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of authentic leadership, ethical acquisition practices, and establishment performance. The specific objective was to determine the effect of self-awareness, internalized ethical perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency on establishment performance of commissions in Kenya.
Research Methodology: The study used a descriptive study design. The target population was 1351 secretariat workers dispersed across seven directorates of TSC. They consisted of Administration, Audit, Human Resources management, ICT, Staffing, Finance, Procurement, and Accounts. The study employed stratified random sampling. The sample size of the study was 309. The research employed SPSS to analyze the study.
Findings: The findings of the study showed that there was a robust and positive association between authentic leadership components and ethical sourcing performance. Each aspect of authentic leadership demonstrated a significant relationship. The regression analysis showed that self-awareness, internalized ethical perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency all had a significant positive impact on ethical sourcing performance.
Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that authentic leadership is an important factor in ethical sourcing performance. Leaders who are self-aware, have an internalized ethical perspective, are balanced in their decision-making, and are transparent in their relationships are more likely to create a culture of ethical sourcing within their organizations.
Recommendations: Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made:
Organizations should select and develop leaders who are authentic. Organizations should create a culture that supports ethical sourcing. Organizations should provide training to employees on ethical sourcing practices.
Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Ethical Acquisition Practices, Establishment Performance, Commission of Kenya
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