
  • Chimakati Fredrick Mutsoli


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of establishment structural dimension design, exigency variables, and challenges mitigation in Kenya.

Research Methodology: The study employed a literature review from previous studies. The data was collected from peer-reviewed journals, books, and academic websites. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis.

Findings: The study found that a well-designed structural dimension plays a crucial role in shaping the organization's ability to communicate effectively and achieve desired outcomes. The study also indicated that clear lines of communication and effective information flow are essential elements that contribute to enhanced communication effectiveness within organizations. In addition, the study found that the detrimental effects of exigency variables often result in breakdowns and reduced efficiency in information transmission. The study also established that common challenges in organizational communication that hinder its effectiveness include information overload, lack of clarity in communication channels, and cultural barriers.

Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that the design of the structural dimension, the presence of exigency variables, and the mitigation of challenges all play a role in the effectiveness of organizational communication.

Recommendations: The study found that the design of the structural dimension, the presence of exigency variables, and the mitigation of challenges all play a role in the effectiveness of organizational communication. The findings of the study suggest that organizations should design their structural dimensions in a way that facilitates effective communication, be aware of the potential challenges that can hinder communication and take steps to mitigate them, and provide training to employees on how to communicate effectively in a globalized environment.

Keywords: Establishment, Structural Dimension Design, Exigency Variables, Challenges Mitigation


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How to Cite

Chimakati , F. M. . (2023). ESTABLISHMENT STRUCTURAL DIMENSION DESIGN, EXIGENCY VARIABLES, AND CHALLENGES MITIGATION IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(9), 21–38. Retrieved from




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