
  • Chimakati Fredrick Mutsoli Pan African Christian University


Purpose: The study aimed to explore the influence of cultural diversity on the performance, vision, mission, and objectives of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya.

Methodology: The study employed an extensive literature review, drawing insights from seminal works on cross-cultural leadership, diversity management, inclusive education, and organizational behavior. The study analyzed theoretical frameworks, empirical studies, and case examples related to the impact of cultural diversity on organizational performance, cross-cultural communication strategies, and approaches to fostering integration and harmony in multicultural contexts.

Findings: The findings indicated that cultural diversity could significantly contribute to or hinder the TSC's ability to achieve its vision, mission, and objectives, depending on how it was managed. Potential benefits included enhanced creativity, innovation, problem-solving capabilities, and the development of culturally responsive pedagogies. However, challenges could arise from communication barriers, conflicting cultural values, biases, and the marginalization of certain cultural groups. Effective cross-cultural communication strategies, such as cultural competency training, inclusive leadership practices, and stakeholder engagement, were proposed to mitigate challenges and leverage opportunities. In addition, strategies for building harmony and integration within the TSC's diverse workforce were outlined, including cultivating an inclusive organizational culture, fostering cross-cultural collaborations, and partnering with external organizations and community groups.

Conclusion: The study concluded that the TSC's capacity to navigate the complexities of cultural diversity was pivotal in achieving its vision of developing motivated, ethical, and globally competitive teachers, as well as its mission of providing quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. Implementing comprehensive cross-cultural communication strategies and initiatives to foster harmony and integration within its diverse workforce was essential for the TSC to maximize the benefits of cultural diversity while mitigating potential challenges.

Keywords: Cross-Cultural, Communication, Diversity, Building Harmony, Leadership

Author Biography

Chimakati Fredrick Mutsoli , Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, Pan Africa Christian university


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How to Cite

Chimakati, F. M. . (2024). EVALUATION OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION, DIVERSITY AND BUILDING HARMONY LEADERSHIP AT TEACHERS SERVICE COMMISSION OF KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(4), 103–116. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/565




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