
  • Fredrick Mutsoli Chimakati Pan African Christian University


Purpose of the Study: The study examines the relationship between ethical, credibility, authenticity and value-based leadership: theory, reflection and action praxis integration. This article critically assesses Bishop Dr. David Oginde's assertion that these three elements form a "formidable triangle" essential for effective leadership. The study employed a theoretical analysis approach, comparing contemporary leadership theories with biblical leadership principles exemplified in Galatians, particularly focusing on Paul's leadership framework.

Methodology: The methodology involved a comprehensive review and analysis of leadership literature, integrating perspectives from modern leadership theories with biblical examples. The study examined works from prominent leadership scholars such as Ilies et al. (2005), Johnson (2020), and others, while also analysing Paul's leadership approach in Galatians through the lens of modern leadership theories.

Findings: The findings demonstrate that credible, authentic, and value-based leadership are indeed interconnected and essential for effective leadership. The analysis reveals strong parallels between Paul's leadership approach in Galatians and modern leadership theories, particularly in areas of ethical decision-making, moral courage, and maintaining leadership credibility. The study establishes that these principles transcend temporal and cultural boundaries, remaining relevant across different leadership contexts.

Conclusion: The study concludes that credibility, authenticity, and integrity form an essential foundation for effective leadership, validating Oginde's assertion. This integration of theoretical perspectives with practical applications provides valuable insights for contemporary leaders navigating complex organizational challenges. The study contributes to leadership literature by demonstrating how historical leadership principles align with and inform modern leadership theory and practice.

Keywords: Credibility, Authenticity, Leadership, Value-based leadership, Biblical leadership.

Author Biography

Fredrick Mutsoli Chimakati , Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Chimakati , F. M. (2024). CREDIBLE, VALUE-BASED AND AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: THEORY, ACTION AND REFLECTION PRAXIS INTEGRATION. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(21), 111–122. Retrieved from




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