
  • Chimakati Fredrick Mutsoli Pan Africa Christian University


Purpose of the Study: This study explores corporate governance practices at Safaricom PLC to determine adherence to principles of accountability, transparency, fairness, and compliance.

Methodology: A case study analysis of Safaricom's governance in terms of board structure, executive compensation, reporting integrity, shareholder rights, and stakeholder orientation.

Findings: The findings support Safaricom's use of governance codes and frameworks to encourage stakeholder participation, aligned incentives, risk oversight, and disclosures. The board has enough independent directors, incentives prioritize long-term value, reports ensure accountability, and shareholder engagement follows equitable standards.

Conclusion: While Safaricom demonstrates significant governance best practices, the study suggests it can strengthen governance further to position itself for long-term innovation leadership.

Recommendations: As stakeholders like institutional investors and civil society prioritize environmental/social issues amidst disruption, Safaricom should promote accountability, foresight and inclusive prosperity through effective governance.

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Principles, Stakeholder Rights, Safaricom

Author Biography

Chimakati Fredrick Mutsoli, Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Student, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Chimakati , F. M. (2024). EVALUATING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRINCIPLES AND STAKEHOLDER RIGHTS: A CASE STUDY OF SAFARICOM . African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(1), 137–154. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/537




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