
  • Chimakati Fredrick Mutsoli Pan Africa Christian University
  • Dr Irungu Macharia Pan Africa Christian University


Purpose of the Study: This literature review examines the critical role of innovation in learning organizations and strategies to promote it as a core competency.

Methodology: A review of existing literature on innovation barriers and approaches in organizational contexts.

Findings: While necessary for adaptation and competitiveness, innovation poses barriers including resource constraints, risk aversion, and siloed structures. Targeted strategies can promote innovation by providing leadership support, facilitating collaboration, allocating resources to experimentation, instilling a risk-taking culture, and prioritizing innovation.

Conclusion: Learning organizations can foster innovation through cultural and structural approaches that support idea flows, patient creativity, skills development, and intelligent failures. Making innovation integral positions organizations to evolve amid uncertainty.

Recommendations: Learning organizations should provide visible leadership support, psychological safety, cross-border collaboration, and patient incubation of ideas. Innovation should be an everyday priority and competency, rather than a standalone initiative.

Keywords: Leading Innovation, Creativity, Change Approaches, Premeditated Link, Learning Organizations

Author Biographies

Chimakati Fredrick Mutsoli , Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Student, Pan Africa Christian University

Dr Irungu Macharia, Pan Africa Christian University

Lecturer, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Chimakati, F. M., & Macharia, I. . (2024). LEADING INNOVATION, CREATIVITY AND CHANGE APPROACHES: THE PREMEDITATED LINK IN LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS’ SUCCESS. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(2), 1–14. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/538




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