
  • Absolom Ngari Daystar University, Kenya
  • Justice Mutua Daystar University, Kenya


Purpose of the Study: The study aimed to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) that contribute to successful strategy implementation in the Kenyan aviation industry.

Statement of the Problem: Strategy implementation is crucial for firms to overcome problems, achieve long-term growth, and gain a competitive advantage. Despite its importance, the aviation industry faces significant challenges in implementing effective strategies, owing to a disconnect between strategy formulation and implementation, resulting in suboptimal outcomes and impeding its ability to achieve long-term growth and competitive advantage.

Methodology: The study focused on three of Rockart’s CSFs including, industry factors, environmental factors, and strategic factors. The research addressed existing gaps in the literature by providing a detailed analysis of these factors and their influence on strategy implementation in Kenya through a desktop research approach, including a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies in the Kenyan aviation industry.

Study Findings: The literature review revealed the critical importance of industry-specific, environmental, and strategic factors for aviation firms’ success in Kenya, emphasizing the significance of various factors. The existing literature on CSFs and strategy implementation in the Kenyan aviation industry reveals several theoretical, conceptual, and contextual gaps that need to be addressed.

Conclusion: Based on the findings, research on strategy implementation in the Kenyan aviation industry highlights the critical importance of industry-specific, environmental, and strategic factors for aviation firms’ success. Findings deepen our understanding of strategy implementation in the Kenyan aviation industry and suggest ways for airlines to enhance their operational efficiency, competitiveness, and long-term sustainability.


Keywords: Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Strategy Implementation, Industry Factors, Environmental Factors, Strategic Factors.

Author Biographies

Absolom Ngari , Daystar University, Kenya

PhD Candidate, School of Business & Economics

Justice Mutua, Daystar University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business & Economics


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How to Cite

Ngari, A., & Mutua, J. (2024). CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS AND STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION IN THE AVIATION INDUSTRY IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(5), 85–104. Retrieved from




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