
  • Martin Onyango Daystar University
  • Rachael Kamau Daystar University
  • Joy M’mbele Daystar University
  • Rahab Kahunyuro Daystar University
  • Lorraine Abuko Daystar University
  • Dr. Justice Mutua Daystar University


Purpose of the Study: This study aims to delve into the influence of change management strategies on the performance of insurance firms in Kenya, a sector undergoing rapid transformations driven by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and evolving market dynamics.

Research Design: The study examines the impact of change management strategies, including administrative reforms, regulatory compliance, and technological adoption, on organizational performance indicators such as leadership effectiveness, employee competency, and financial efficiency.

Findings: The findings of the study highlight a significant correlation between the implementation of comprehensive change management strategies and enhanced organizational outcomes. Specifically, the study found that insurance firms in Kenya that adopted effective change management strategies experienced improved leadership effectiveness, heightened employee competency, and increased financial efficiency.

Conclusion: The study concludes that to thrive amidst evolving industry standards and economic conditions, insurance firms in Kenya must adopt a strategic approach to change management. Embracing comprehensive change management strategies is crucial for bolstering organizational performance in the dynamic insurance sector.

Keywords: Change Management, Strategies, Organization, Performance, Insurance Firms


Author Biographies

Martin Onyango, Daystar University

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Rachael Kamau, Daystar University

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Joy M’mbele, Daystar University

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Rahab Kahunyuro, Daystar University

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Lorraine Abuko , Daystar University

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Dr. Justice Mutua, Daystar University

Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Onyango, M., Kamau, R. ., M’mbele, J., Kahunyuro, R., Abuko , L., & Mutua, J. (2024). CHANGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES AND THE ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE OF INSURANCE FIRMS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(7), 105–114. Retrieved from




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