
  • Julius Musyoka Ngila Daystar University, Kenya
  • Dr. Justice Mutua Daystar University, Kenya


Purpose of The Study: The study sought to explore the impact of strategic agility on the organizational performance of cement manufacturers in Kenya, examining how aspects like organizational structure, product innovation, technological adoption, and human resources influence their ability to adapt and thrive in a competitive and dynamic environment.

Research Methodology: A desktop research methodology was used to gather data from secondary data sources. Data was gathered from published reports, public libraries, websites, and data obtained from past reports and academic journals.

Study Findings: The study found that strategic agility, including factors like organizational structure, product innovation, technological advancement, and agile human resources, positively correlates with the performance of cement manufacturers in Kenya. It was observed that those who embraced these agility components saw improvements in revenue, profitability, and market share growth. Conversely, manufacturers lacking strategic agility experienced declines in revenue growth, profitability, and market share.

Conclusions: The study concludes that cement manufacturers must maintain strategic agility—through optimal organizational structures, consistent product innovation, modern technology application, and superior human resources—to enhance revenue, profitability, and market share. Those lacking in these areas risk revenue losses, declining profitability, and reduced market competitiveness.

Recommendations: The study recommends that manufacturing firms enhance their organizational structures for better teamwork and innovation, invest in continuous product development, and adopt cutting-edge technologies, including automation and digitization, to improve efficiency, competitiveness, and performance. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of strategic agility in human resources to attract, develop, and retain top talent for sustained organizational success.

Keywords: Strategic agility, organizational performance, organizational structure, product innovation, technological advancement, agile human resources

Author Biographies

Julius Musyoka Ngila , Daystar University, Kenya

Phd Candidate, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Dr. Justice Mutua, Daystar University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Ngila, J. M. ., & Mutua, J. . (2024). EFFECTS OF STRATEGIC AGILITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF CEMENT MANUFACTURERS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(6), 98–111. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/589




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