
  • Claire Otieno Daystar University
  • Marguerite Dz've Daystar University
  • Rebecca Mbithe Daystar University
  • Justice Mutua Daystar University


Purpose of the Study: The core objective of this research is to examine the effect of strategic management practices on the performance of digital procurement in Kenya.

Problem Statement: This study sought to establish the effect of strategic management practices on the implementation and effectiveness of the digital procurement systems in Kenya against the backdrop of the deceleration of economic growth to 4.8% in 2022 from 7.5% in 2021.

Methodology: The research methodology in this study will be an exploratory method focusing on desktop research, which involves data collection using existing studies and industryreports.

Result:The findings of the research revealed that strategic management plays a key role in the effectiveness of the digital procurement of Kenya. This can be argued to be due to its abilitytoalignthecorporation’sgoalsandobjectiveswith aneffectivedigitalprocurementprocessinamannerthatmitigatesdisruptions.

Conclusion: As such, it was concluded that there is a need to align the strategic management practices of data-driven decision making, innovation, among others in digital procurement to enable for the adaptability and performance of an organization.

Keywords: Strategic Management Practices, Digital Procurement

Author Biographies

Claire Otieno, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics

Marguerite Dz've, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics

Rebecca Mbithe , Daystar University

School of Business and Economics

Justice Mutua, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Otieno, C., Dz’ve, M., Mbithe , R., & Mutua, J. (2024). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND DIGITAL PROCUREMENT IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(9), 1–11. Retrieved from




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