
  • Ann W. Kariuki Daystar University, Kenya
  • Martha Inyuma Daystar University
  • Grace Jadden Daystar University
  • Dr. Justice Mutua Daystar University


Purpose of the Study: This study aims to examine the efficacy of influencer marketing strategies in augmenting the market share of beauty brands in Kenya.

Methodology: This study employed a desktop research methodology and integrated a systematic literature review design to address existing gaps. Data were collated from diverse sources, including academic journals, websites, reports, and research databases.

Study Findings: The study that numerous beauty brands in Kenya employed strategies such as brand ambassadorship and affiliate marketing to drive conversions. Influencer collaborations through co-creation exerted a substantial influence on consumer purchase decisions. The study showed the significance of influencer credibility, compliance with legal regulations, and the application of both the source credibility theory and social learning theory in understanding consumer behavior and fostering brand success within the beauty industry.

Conclusions: Based on the findings, the study concludes that leveraging influencer partnerships is imperative for cultivating brand loyalty and consumer engagement. It affirms that robust partnerships facilitate the formulation of effective strategies, which, when adeptly executed, engender heightened brand awareness, consumer engagement, and enhanced market share for beauty brands.

Recommendations: The study advocates for government regulatory bodies to collaborate with beauty brands and influencers in establishing clear guidelines and regulations for influencer marketing practices.

Keywords: Influencer Marketing, Market Share, Affiliate Marketing, Brand Ambassadorship

Author Biographies

Ann W. Kariuki, Daystar University, Kenya

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Martha Inyuma, Daystar University

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Grace Jadden , Daystar University

Student, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Dr. Justice Mutua, Daystar University

Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Kariuki, A. W., Inyuma, M., Jadden , G. ., & Mutua, J. (2024). INFLUENCER MARKETING AND MARKET SHARE OF THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(7), 92–104. Retrieved from




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