
  • Clare Minoo Muthuka Daystar University
  • Gertrude Mawanda Daystar University
  • Irene Mutinda Daystar University
  • Sibado Sylvanus Daystar University
  • Dr. Justice Mutua Daystar University


Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of strategy implementation practices on performance of ActionAid International Kenya.

Statement of the problem: Non-profit organizations face a dynamic and often challenging operational landscape, necessitating the deployment of effective strategies to address these complexities. Within the context of Kenya, non-profit organizations encounter significant hurdles such as inadequate funding, limited governmental support, and deficient infrastructure, thereby hindering their ability to fulfill their missions effectively.

Findings: Leadership commitment plays a pivotal role in shaping organizational direction and fostering accountability, thereby facilitating the effective execution of strategic initiatives. Moreover, strategic planning emerges as instrumental in delineating clear objectives and judiciously allocating resources, thereby exerting a tangible influence on the performance outcomes of ActionAid International Kenya. In addition, effective communication serves to align organizational goals and engender synergy in the implementation of strategic imperatives.

Conclusion: The study concludes that the pivotal role of strategic leadership commitment, effective strategic planning, and robust communication strategy are critical drivers of ActionAid International's performance.

Recommendations: The study recommends that ActionAid International should leverage the insights garnered to enhance its strategic planning processes and overall performance. Additionally, managers and decision-makers within the organization should benefit from this study by gaining deeper insights into strategy implementation challenges and effective mitigation strategies.

Keywords: Strategic implementation practices, strategic planning, organization performance, ActionAid International Kenya

Author Biographies

Clare Minoo Muthuka, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics, Daystar University

Gertrude Mawanda, Daystar University

 School of Business and Economics, Daystar University

Irene Mutinda, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics, Daystar University

Sibado Sylvanus , Daystar University

School of Business and Economics, Daystar University

Dr. Justice Mutua, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics, Daystar University


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How to Cite

Muthuka, C. M. ., Mawanda, G. ., Mutinda, I. ., Sylvanus , S. ., & Mutua, J. . (2024). STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION PRACTICES AND PERFORMANCE OF ACTIONAID INTERNATIONAL KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(9), 12–25. Retrieved from




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