Purpose of the study: The study examined the effect of business process optimization strategies on performance of customs revenue in Kenya Revenue Authority.
Problem statement: Revenue targets have been increasing over the years. Kenya Revenue Authority has been missing revenue targets piling pressure on the government to borrow loans to finance its budget. From past revenue performances, customs revenue accounts for approximately 35% of actual revenue collected. Therefore, examining existing customs cargo clearance process optimization strategies towards improving performance of customs revenue is a step forward towards achieving revenue targets. It is important to emphasize that there are very few comparable studies conducted in Kenya, and those that exist do not share the same context.
Methodology: The study adopted a secondary research approach whereby a desktop research design was adopted. The study relied on publicly available materials including revenue performance reports on the Kenya Revenue Authority website as well as previous studies to examine the identified customs process optimization strategies on performance of customs revenue collection.
Findings: The study established that automation of customs processes has a favourable impact on the performance of customs revenue. Coordination between agencies at the border has a positive impact on trade facilitation. The impact of risk management on the performance of customs revenue depends on the techniques or methods being applied.
Conclusion: The study concludes that the automation of customs processes, inter-agency cooperation, and coordinated border management have a positive influence on the performance of customs revenue collection. The study also concludes that the impact of risk management on the performance of customs revenue depends on the specific techniques or methods applied.
Recommendations: The Kenya Revenue Authority should accelerate the automation of customs processes, strengthen inter-agency cooperation and coordination, and develop a comprehensive coordinated border management strategy to enhance revenue performance. The risk management techniques employed should be regularly reviewed and updated to align with evolving trade patterns and best practices. Continuous capacity building and training programs for customs officials and stakeholders are crucial to effectively implement the recommended strategies.
Keywords: Kenya Revenue Authority, Automation, Inter-agency Cooperation, coordinated border management, risk management, performance of customs revenue
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