
  • Susan H. Mukami Daystar University
  • Elizabeth Kagendo Daystar University
  • Anita Jolapara Daystar University
  • Justice Mutua Daystar University


Purpose of the Study: This paper delves into the impact of strategic partnerships on fund mobilization endeavors for development initiatives within Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kenya. Leveraging empirical data and case studies, the analysis scrutinizes the challenges and opportunities inherent in establishing and managing strategic partnerships among NGOs in the Kenyan context. The study draws upon the Resource-Based Theory and Stakeholders' Theory as theoretical frameworks, aligning with objectives aimed at evaluating the efficacy of strategic partnerships in fund mobilization within NGOs, examining associated challenges and opportunities, and assessing the correlation between organizational capacity and partnership success in fund mobilization efforts.

Problem Statement: Despite the recognized potential of strategic partnerships in mobilizing resources for development initiatives, their effective implementation in Kenya remains a significant challenge. Additionally, empirical evidence suggests that partnerships between diverse stakeholders often encounter obstacles that impede their ability to achieve intended goals and mobilize sufficient funds.

Methodology: Employing descriptive research methods and stratified random sampling techniques, data collection was facilitated through open-ended questionnaires, with subsequent analysis conducted using SPSS (version 28). The study encompassed a sample size of 820 employees drawn from 25 NGOs operating in Kenya.

Result: Findings reveal that although 72% of NGOs engage in strategic partnerships for fund mobilization, merely 28% perceive them as highly effective. The demographic composition of respondents skewed toward males (56.6%), with a majority (46%) holding higher education degrees. Common challenges such as misaligned objectives, power imbalances, and trust deficits were prevalent, notwithstanding the opportunities strategic partnerships afford, including access to new funding sources, resource pooling, and heightened visibility. Notably, organizational capacity emerged as a pivotal determinant of partnership success, with aspects like strategic planning and leadership garnering heightened importance.

Recommendation: Recommendations underscore the imperative of optimizing partnership strategies, mitigating identified challenges, capitalizing on available opportunities, and fortifying organizational capacity. These insights offer valuable guidance for NGOs, governmental entities, and stakeholders keen on augmenting fund mobilization endeavors through strategic partnerships.

Keywords: Strategic partnerships, fund mobilization and Non Profit Organizations

Author Biographies

Susan H. Mukami, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics

Elizabeth Kagendo, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics

Anita Jolapara , Daystar University

School of Business and Economics

Justice Mutua, Daystar University

School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Mukami, S. H., Kagendo, E., Jolapara, A., & Mutua, J. (2024). EFFECT OF STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS FOR EFFECTIVE FUND MOBILIZATION IN NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION IN NAIROBI. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(9), 53–67. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/619




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